gap 發表於 2011-5-11 22:39


本帖最後由 gap 於 2011-5-11 22:49 編輯





好鬼重! 抬到趴街!



edlsang 發表於 2011-5-11 23:08

希望你快完工 la.............

rle18322 發表於 2011-5-11 23:23

{:1_344:}希望你快完工 la............. X2

AST(Gym) 發表於 2011-5-12 01:14


avlam 發表於 2011-5-12 01:27


hh12 發表於 2011-5-12 06:16


COOJ 發表於 2011-5-12 06:39


米赫洛域 發表於 2011-5-12 08:29


gap 發表於 2011-5-12 08:55

本帖最後由 gap 於 2011-5-12 09:00 編輯

多謝各位!D架生訂晒、月尾送貨! 不過要6月中先set得.... 等!

>>> 前置: Dali IKON 6 MK2
>>> 中置: Dali IKON VOKAL 2 MK2
>>> 後置: Dali IKON On-Wall MK2
>>> 重低音: Dali IKON SUB MK2

>>> AV Amp: ONKYO TX-NR808
>>> Blu-ray Player: oppo 93

>>> Int. Amp: NAD C 375BEE Integrated Amplifier
>>> CD Player: NAD C 545BEE CD Player

>>>TV: Sony KDL-60LX900

呢排溫緊d說明書,稔緊點解決部Int Amp無AV Bypass既問題!
Send去NAD問, 回覆如下,研究緊!!!

2011-05-06 09:52 re: re: 'AV Bypass' function
Thank you for contacting the NAD Electronics Support Centre.

There is no "AV bypass" in the C375BEE, however what you are describing can be achieved with the C375BEE.

Please review the excerpt below from the Owners manual.

10 PRE OUT 2: Connections to an external power amplifier or processor, such as a surround-sound decoder. In normal use, this should be connected to the Main In sockets with the links supplied. To connect your NAD C 375BEE to external processor or amplifier sections, remove first these links. Use a
twin RCA-to-RCA lead to connect the left and right “Audio Input” of a power amplifier or processor to the PRE OUT 2 sockets.

Always turn the C 375BEE and associated external power amplifiers OFF before connecting or disconnecting anything to the PRE OUT 2 sockets. The PRE OUT 2 output signal will be affected by the C 375BEE’s volume
and tone control settings.

11 VOLUME PRE OUT 2: The VOLUME PRE-OUT 2 control allows for adjustment of the output level of the PRE OUT 2 sockets. Turn clockwise to increase the PRE OUT 2 volume setting; counter clockwise to lower
it. When set to the maximum position, the output level will be identical to that of the PRE OUT 1 sockets. Refer also to the item below about “Bi-Amping”.

Some loudspeakers have separate connection terminals for the LF (Low Frequency) and HF (High Frequency) sections of the speaker. This facility allows to “Bi-Amp” these speakers, where a separate power amplifier is used for the LF and HF section, which may improve overall sound

If you have any further detailed setup questions, you can also contact your local dealer.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Pam Anderson

{:1_253:} 仲有一個Woodmark訂造既架,同埋一堆未來店訂既線

gap 發表於 2011-5-12 09:06

本帖最後由 gap 於 2011-5-12 09:09 編輯

初步估計,卷線<Prysmian 1456>應該用剩好多(>50m),遲d會放賣,準備裝修/拉獨立電源既師兄請留意!{:1_262:}
頁: [1] 2 3
查看完整版本: 新手入市後篇之<裝修進行中>

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