{:1_335:} Ching how much ? OMG, what a T i preorder from its official website. The price (with postage cost) is 60 prounds. But, because i ordered it very beginning, the name and number on the back is free of charge. Right now, if you order it in its website, some free gifts will be delivered with the shirt.You can go to the link below :
http://store.liverpoolfc.tv/products/footballkit?ncid=store_preorder_revealed_newhomekit_kitpage_25032010 恭喜晒!{:6_195:} 唔印埋S7/A9 {:6_222:}我LIKE MU都鐘意依件令{:6_193:} 師兄好熱血,我成日買波衫,除左季尾特價外,我超唔捨得官網買,因為真係好貴!
回覆: 今日終於收到利記件2011-2012年度作客波衫啦....
早買早享受,遲啲平兩舊,但都係忍唔住買左。發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳 官方套字係咪真係唔同?!?!
回覆: 今日終於收到利記件2011-2012年度作客波衫啦....
呢兩年喺官網訂都有兩款字楝,一款係絨面英超字,另一款係膠面利物浦字,兩款字型完全唔同,我舊年嗰兩款作客都係印利物浦字,班球員打盃賽都會着印有利物浦字既波衫。發送自我的 GT-I9000 大板凳