Any body use Tara labs speakers cable?
I want to buy the helix 8 I don't know its sound signature!please help I don't lke too bright treble It is a 2007 Products, it is the entry level spk cable.All the Helix 8 spk cable is the old stock , you should tyr the new M seires, RSC Prime M800. much better quality. 試下The One啦 {:6_222:}效果唔錯嫁 {:6_222:} or Guttwire 回復 3# googleli
THE ONE 用家 ? 回復googleli
THE ONE 用家 ?
Ray2899 發表於 2011-5-31 22:41
只係用緊條RCA, 喇叭線未換 THE ONE onboard RCA ? 音場空間廣闊,音質生動,讓人彷如置身其中,很有水準的接線. 已用inakustik 1002 非常滿意!