luxman 發表於 2011-5-9 16:16

Suggestion Audioquest or Wireworld

Hi all chings,

Want to buy a HDMI cable.Budget around HK$1K (1.5M length).HTPC to AMP.Existing setting seems to be not bright enough.Any good suggestion for Audioquest or Wireworld or any others ?Please indicate model & price.Many thanks!{:1_347:}

Lok80 發表於 2011-5-9 17:20

AQ Chocolate: 2M under $1K

bh72bh72 發表於 2011-5-9 18:22

wireworld is good, but over budget

luxman 發表於 2011-5-9 23:03

Thank you Lok80 & bh72bh72 ching !
Btw, can you compare between the AQ chocolate / AQ carbon / wireworld (what model)? if my budget can be increased to wireworld.I need 1.5m length.Many thanks!

bh72bh72 發表於 2011-5-9 23:07

for your reference

luxman 發表於 2011-5-9 23:38

Thank you ching !

How about compare to the AQ cables ?I mean same price level to the wireworld.want much brighter image & better sound.If you were me, which one you will buy.{:1_320:}

bh72bh72 發表於 2011-5-10 13:24

兩個牌子都ok,但wire world 扁線會正d,佢出名係線design。你要吾同物料有吾同形號。可以好貴但又可以好平,記住吾好買old 形號。新都係6字尾。

sunvar 發表於 2011-5-10 13:43

點解無人推薦wireworld chroma 6 (1.4 version)?唔通li條唔夠好?而且AQ的朱古力如果系future shop買,加運費同埋其他費用,可能over 1K哦

wireworld chroma 6我問過,2條1米的加埋120USD

bh72bh72 發表於 2011-5-10 13:52


kefana 發表於 2011-5-10 16:33

回復 8# sunvar

    用 wireworld 要有效果 起碼用 ultraviolet
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