For CAS, 用唔同cd format有冇分別
我見音樂版有cd foramt投票活動,Sacd hdcd要用專用player,其他就普通player就得其實如用CAS,播音樂已唔用cd player,咁sacd hdcd未冇用? 係,SACD、HDCD等都已經係日落黃花,ching要面對現實了~~ 但點都係sacd好 小弟愚見,從data 方面睇,sacs has higher bit rate than normal cd, that's why it has higher audio quality than normal cd. But if you are now talking about CAS, data file has high bit rate should be as good as sacd then xrcd is format most valuable to buy. Unless the CD is re-mastered, all HQCD, XRCD, LPCD, etc. are the same provided you ripped them correctly.