點樣先知道PRE AMP + POWER AMP / INT AMP 夠唔夠力推前置兩隻喇叭?
如題.............多謝指教 一味扭大volume卻出唔到好聲, 聲音冇密度(or炒耳)/聲衰/拆/唔通透/高中低痴埋一舊(分離度低)
我認為都係唔夠power去drive speakers 如題.............
ak2008 發表於 2011-5-7 16:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄唸緊啲咩玩具呀?講嚟聽下先!{:6_138:} 回復 1# ak2008
可以先參考一下喇叭與攻放的規格可否配合, 如攻放的 power (watts@ohm); damping factor; 水塘量; 電流量....., 喇叭的ohm數; Sensitivity (db); 可接受的watts; 單元數量與大小........... 最後用耳朵聽, 當然攻放要控制到對喇叭, 不要只是大聲, 就算音量去到~2點都不會覺得失真{:1_245:}如果一部1500 cc, 2000 cc, 3000 cc, 5000 cc或6000 cc的私家車都可以經大潭道上到陽明山莊, 師兄話那一部車可以控制自如呢{:1_342:} 小弟一點初級知識認為PRE AMP前級 + POWER AMP 後級/ INT AMP合併
C父教落,前級出聲, 後級出力,即系唔關前級同合併份前級事,如果份後級唔夠力,D聲會混沌唔清(隻喇叭屎另計),同lemonstar ching形容相似,多發生向四ohm 喇叭身上,依架多數八ohm易推,但又唔可以話全部八ohm易推,要娣好多野。。。。最考功夫既牌子之一,亞佛龍,ching可以去体驗下,呢隻如果推得起,D聲好鴻壯,聽交晌樂一流 本帖最後由 ANWKLO 於 2011-5-8 08:45 編輯
4pk 發表於 2011-5-8 02:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
打過比喻, ohm 等於水喉的直徑 (4 ohm比較粗, 8 ohm比較幼),電流量等於水壓,如果水壓足夠又持續穩定, 理論上, 水係水喉內流動時4 ohm比較暢通同水量會多過8 ohm,如果部amp的電流量係夠勁, 你話 4 ohm 喇叭好定 8 ohm 喇叭好呢{:1_342:}當然這個並不是單一因素{:1_245:} 打過比喻, ohm 等於水喉的直徑 (4 ohm比較粗, 8 ohm比較幼),電流量等於水壓,如果水壓足夠又持續穩定, ...
ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-8 08:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Water pressure should be the equivalent of voltage in your analogy, not current... Water pressure should be the equivalent of voltage in your analogy, not current...
qwe456 發表於 2011-5-8 08:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Voltage in Hong Kong is 220V. Current depends on the output of the Toroidal Transformer of amp, i.e. Amps {:1_245:} Voltage in Hong Kong is 220V. Current depends on the output of the Toroidal Transformer of amp, i ...
ANWKLO 發表於 2011-5-8 09:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
It would be fun to see what happens when you put 220V through your speakers...{:1_339:} It would be fun to see what happens when you put 220V through your speakers...
qwe456 發表於 2011-5-8 09:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Let's take an example. From the specification of Roksan M2 integrated amp,someone will understand what is current{:1_343:}
Output Power 85 Watts, into 8Ω both channels driven
125 Watts, into 4Ω both channels driven
Power Supply 350VA Ultra Low Noise Toroidal Transformer
60VA Ultra Low Noise Transformer Preamp Section Toroidal
5 Regulated Supply Rails
Current Output 60 Amps Peak to Peak