Cambridge Audio 751BD vs oppo95
兩部都差悟多Cambridge Audio 751BD$9200(標價) oppo 95 $9999,大家點梯呢? 你有留意76d Ching 你應估計到個賽果{:6_229:} more to choice oppo 95 ! 但我今日試Cambridge Audio 751都唔錯{:6_152:} 我反而會投CA一票! I take oppo 95 如果睇料應該OPPO-95 好一點 , 而且仲有雙HDMI ,平衡線輸出 . CA751 就有自家升頻 ,聽歌應該唔差 . 如果講C/P值都係 95 抵玩 , 更新FIRMWARE亦都係OPPO做得比較好 . 對上一代CA650等佢更新真係有排 . 當然ching只考慮牌子既 ,CA係出名一D . 但考慮到CA751既料大部份係源自OPPO-93再加自家材料 . 咁答案就明顯得多 . 再講唔玩3D既 ,又要BDP+聽歌 , 咁不如買馬仔8004 . The Cambridge 751BD isn't even out yet, so nobody has heard it and can give any credible opinions on it. If you are really interested, wait for its release and get a demo of both the CA and the OPPO. The sound of the CA may be tuned more to your liking.Having said that, I've always liked OPPO so that's what I'd choose if I have to make a blind choice. The Cambridge 751BD isn't even out yet, so nobody has heard it and can give any credible opinions on ...
76-Ryu 發表於 2011-5-6 12:06
上個禮拜已經賣緊啦 Lee期馬仔8004 好紅下,可能係最後一批{:6_238:}