a4apple 發表於 2011-5-4 21:26

WTB AMP . 請指教 兩聲道擴音機

Want to buy AMP (int ) . .
Looking for a new model such with NAS funtion .
How about it ?
Onkyo TX - 8050 .
Anyway . anyching know about that andwhere can I get it ?
Thx so much.

Onkyo TX 8050

chingki123 發表於 2011-5-4 21:52

ching want buy two channel int. amp?
don`t buy onkyo la,many many other choice

a4apple 發表於 2011-5-4 23:36

thx reply.
I find it (TX 8050 ) is a new model. It come with newfuntion . such as supprot ios (so I can use my Mac product, iphone. ipad. )DLNA. USB input.(Network Music Player)
anyay.Cambrige NP30 is it a better choice ?

thx again ..

a4apple 發表於 2011-5-5 19:50

any ching have idea for it ?

a4apple 發表於 2011-5-6 18:31

onkyo 609 user not a little. why amp is not a good choice ??
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