XQ30 夾 Q200c 嗎
小弟之前一直用開KHT3005SE, 最近前置換咗XQ30 之後覺得隻中置跟唔到,身痕想換埋隻中置.睇過XQ50c要大約$6-7k, 中置值唔值得投資咁大呢? Q200c只係一半價錢左右,唔知點揀好.
各位師兄有咩意見呢?..Thx a lot!! if budget ok, i will get XQ50C. 中置值得投資咁大. Ching XQ30小弟都想入手, 請問聲底如何ar?
幾錢入手ar? 回復 1# rickyf
絶對値得投資 {:6_193:} 我之前只換了中置XQ50 跟住就換埋XQ40 不過入手時5K有找 XQ50 + XQ40 good 小弟之前一直用開KHT3005SE, 最近前置換咗XQ30 之後覺得隻中置跟唔到,身痕想換埋隻中置.
睇過XQ50c要大約$6 ...
rickyf 發表於 2011-5-3 16:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你用什麼 amp 推? 你用什麼 amp 推?
popo388 發表於 2011-5-3 22:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我部只係陳年嘅Denon 3808咋.....可能會毒發加個多聲道後級{:1_263:} XQ50c la......{:6_193:} 回復rickyf
絶對値得投資我之前只換了中置XQ50 跟住就換埋XQ40 不過入手時5K有找 ...
gary0827 發表於 2011-5-3 20:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
5K咁底!!!{:6_141:} Definitely get the XQ50c. Having speakers from the same make and series across the L/C/R channels make the sound field more coherent and the center does a lot of work in a 5.1 setup so it's worth paying the extra.