求救PS3 出唔到Full HD
尋日入手PS3一心諗住係 PS3-->HDMI IN AMP (ONKYO 508) -->HDMI OUT Samsung hdtv
但電視果邊剩係出到 720x480{:1_334:}
但PS3直入電視就出到 1920x1080喎, 究竟當中出現左咩問題呢?
希望有ching出手相助 common issue with PS3 and Onkyo AMP
hope this help{:1_260:}
http://www.avforums.com/forums/onkyo-products/696423-faq-setting-up-ps3-onkyo-amp.html 本帖最後由 samnet1 於 2011-5-3 15:03 編輯
一心諗住係 PS3-->HDMI IN AMP (ONKYO 508) -->HDMI OUT Samsung hdtv
但電視果邊剩係出到 72 ...
edwin6102000 發表於 2011-5-3 12:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
PS3 : Enableed Upscalingfunction .
HDMI cable : PS3 need to use HDMI ver 1.3 or above .Check your HDMI cable !!
Note :
Onkyo 508 did not have Upscaling resolution to 1080p. 搞左幾個鐘, 佢都只係可以出到1080i{:1_334:} Play blu-ray or games?
try another blu-ray to test.
I also can play movie with 1080P, but "Joey N6 concert" only 1080i. 搞左幾個鐘, 佢都只係可以出到1080i
edwin6102000 發表於 2011-5-4 22:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
What Blu-ray disk that you play ??
Some Blu-ray disk ( e.g. HK 的演唱會 ) , such disk with 1080i only ( Not 1080p)
Try to use another Blu-ray disk ( e.g. Avator ) 未試blu ray 呀, 但係PS3個Display setting 度想tick 1080p, 個畫面就不斷跳下跳下 未試blu ray 呀, 但係PS3個Display setting 度想tick 1080p, 個畫面就不斷跳下跳下
edwin6102000 發表於 2011-5-5 17:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
未試blu ray
==> 你試 DVD ???DVD 只有480p啊{:5_86:}, PS3 是 upscaling to 1080i or 1080p only 我試打機Jar,未有blu ray試{:1_255:}