chacha7 發表於 2011-5-3 04:06

oppo 93 在大電視play DVD 怪招?


正確講,我正想投入高清行列,想買個60吋的電視,觀看距離11.5 ft。


看過dvd在60" TV 上的表現,很恐怖,upscale都唔得(如無間道dvd)。但工作及興趣上都要keep住、同有時有需要重看很多dvd。

正在苦惱點算,突然醒起用過隻dvd player係有四倍“縮小”播放功能,search下,oppo93都有呢個功能!(按四次zoom都是zoom in,第五至第八次就會“縮放”)。

忽發其想,係60" TV 上縮播dvd咪得?以前都試過用呢招在37"播vcd,會冇咁矇。我知理論上這是"downgrade"個image quality,但應用上好似重好過用upscaling!


chacha7 發表於 2011-5-3 04:51

I just discovered someone had done the same thing I was thinking with projector:

"Well, this is disappointing...

I purchased the 93 to replace my 83 which I sold last month. With the 83, I used 1/2x zoom all the time when watching SD DVD on my 106" projection screen, as 106" is simply way too big for SD material to look good (regardless of what anyone says). 1/2x zoom on my 83 resulted in a pretty decent picture and was easier than zooming the projector's lens down. IIRC, the 1/2x zoom on the 83 resulted in something like a 75" diagonal picture (down from 106"). I could be wrong on this, but I thought I measured it 1+ year ago and came to that conclusion. Either way, SD material looked much more tolerable at the smaller size.

So I got the 93 this morning and just tried it out with an SD DVD. 1/2x zoom is MUCH, MUCH smaller on the 93 than on the 83 - smaller than my 58" plasma for sure. To me, 1/2x zoom means the total square inch picture area should be about 1/2 the size. So 4800ish square inches on a 106" screen should be 2400ish after 1/2x zoom. However, the 93's 1/2x zoom is resulting in something much more along the lines of 1/4x based on my rough measurement.

This complete negates my primary reason for purchasing the 93. Not only that, but the 1/2x zoom results in a terribly unstable picture (which I'm sure Oppo will fix with the final firmware or sooner). I was using American Beauty (SD DVD) as my test disc.

What gives with the much smaller 1/2x zoom though??

I'll be sending the player back to Oppo if they aren't planning on correcting the size. Either that or I'll sell the player to anyone who is interested for the price I paid for it (including shipping) after I check with Oppo and get a response on this zoom issue. PM me if interested."

BTW, checking if the problem is solved by Oppo

chhanthony 發表於 2011-5-3 09:42

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