alice 發表於 2011-5-4 22:29

回復 13# ckl1125

    c hing唔該晒,一陣試吓先。。。

samnet1 發表於 2011-5-4 22:44

ckl1125 發表於 2011-5-4 18:22

睇過 呢個 Link, S370 好過 S380 {:5_78:}

S380 冇3D{:5_86:}( 迫你買貴D 的 S480) , start-up慢{:5_93:} ....etc...

Improvements over the S370 are few and far between, and it's disappointing not to see iPlayer in HD. DivX support has gone, and start-up is slower.

We were seriously impressed with Sony's 2010 range of Blu-ray players, giving the BDP-S370 a Best Buy award. The sheer number of features packed into the tiny player combined with a surprisingly low price made it the obvious choice for most people.

That player has now been discontinued and is replaced by, logically enough, the BDP-S380. Like the S370, the newcomer doesn't support 3D Blu-ray: for that you'll need the BDP-S480, which costs around £180.

Visually, it's almost impossible to tell the S370 and S380 apart, the only cue being the curved - rather than angular - button ledge at the bottom of the front panel. A slight update to the installation wizard means you can get up and running quickly, setting your language and the type of cable you've used to connect the player. Oddly, there was no prompt to set the HDMI resolution to 1080p, so it remained at 576p until we changed it in the System menu.

Two new audio codecs are supported: Dolby Digital Plus and DTS-HD High Resolution Audio. There's no real benefit to this currently, as we've yet to see any discs or digital files using these codecs, but it could come in handy in the future.

Another subtle difference is the removal of the S370's optical S/PDIF output (there's only a coaxial S/PDIF now).

Unfortunately, start-up time has taken a step backwards. Although the disc tray ejects almost immediately, it took 44 seconds to begin playing Casino Royale on Blu-ray. The S370 took just 21 seconds. If you're in the middle of watching a movie and put the S380 into standby, you can simply press the play button on the remote to resume viewing, but that still takes almost 40 seconds.

You can enable a quick-start mode, but while this does save time, it also draws a continuous 6W when in standby and means the fan spins constantly, and will prove an annoyance to those with acute hearing.

Bravia Internet Video has evolved slightly since the S370 was released, but firmware updates mean there's no difference between the old and new models here. BBC iPlayer's interface remains sluggish, but fast forwarding and rewinding internet video is still smoother than on other manufacturer's products. However, it's worth noting that, as with the S370, there's only a choice of Normal and High Quality video - not proper HD as you get with Humax's Freeview HD PVR, the HDR-FOX T2.

Also bear in mind that, as with every other set-top box, Bravia Internet Video provides only catch-up on-demand TV, which means the last week's worth of BBC and Channel 5, and even then only selected programmes. Channel 4 remains unavailable, despite being added to the PlayStation 3 in 2010. YouTube allows you to sign in and awkwardly search for videos using the number buttons on the remote. Again, like virtually all other set-top and mobile devices, you'll see a different set of search results than on a laptop or PC: full-length sponsored TV episodes will be unavailable.

If you own an Android phone, iPhone or iPod Touch, you can download the MediaRemote app which lets you control the S380 via Wi-Fi. The only really useful feature is the Disc Info tab which shows you information about the disc currently playing, including cast, director and producer.

The BDP-S380 is still a great-value Blu-ray player with a wealth of features, but it's not quite as impressive as the S370 was. The lack of DivX support is arguably more of a problem than the 'missing' optical S/PDIF output, but the slower start-up time is also disappointing. If you can still find the BDP-S370 on sale for under £120, buy it, but otherwise, this is a great choice if you don't need 3D support.

alice 發表於 2011-5-5 15:16

你去音訊設定 > BD音訊MIX設定 選 "關"
      你試下啦!!!! ...
ckl1125 發表於 2011-5-4 15:35


ckl1125 發表於 2011-5-5 16:28

想問吓係咪關咗BD音訊MIX,就等於bitstream同埋比部amp解碼?Sorry真係乜都唔識... ...
alice 發表於 2011-5-5 15:16


alice 發表於 2011-5-5 17:48

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查看完整版本: 小弟終於買左好入門ge sony 部S370

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