我唔係咼,好Q貴 2D 入左, 我覺得好好... 好過安室2010個隻
yuenjj 發表於 2011-5-5 16:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif覺得安室好睇D,濱崎步演唱會攪到好似D舞台表演,無D個人演唱會feel 回復 14# kkchau
For me, I like 安室2010 the most, pic and sound both ok. The 3D AYU and Rock'n'Roll Circus Tour are traditional ayu style, a bit boring even i am her FANS.
P.S: These 3 disc both are 1080/24P format, actually I hate concert video in 24P, pic looks jerking. 買了Rock'n Roll Circus,好正 。
唔知香港演唱會bd 幾時先出到這樣的品質。