sunboy 發表於 2011-5-12 16:33

回復 39# andprise

C Hing, please check it out youreself from the following link to prevent misleading......{:6_142:}

    The Ground Control itself is about 4.75” long, and about the same diameter as the banana plugs AudioPrism uses. The bananas and spade connectors are of good quality, and the terminations seem to be made quite well. A white “sock” of what feels like tightly woven cotton (the material is not specified) covers what seems to be a loop of many fine, flexible wires. What would be this sock’s open end is closed with a small pinch clamp. It would seem to be impossible to disassemble a Ground Control without ruining the sock, and I didn’t feel comfortable dissecting a review sample to see what was inside.

When the terminated end of a Ground Control is connected to a speaker’s or amplifier’s negative terminal, the other end of the Ground Control just hangs there in space, connected to nothing. My understanding of electronics is that an unterminated wire acts as an antenna, and not as a way to improve grounding. But in analog audio, everything you do seems to have some effect on the sound. I’ve learned to take the explanations given for various tweaks with a grain of salt and just listen carefully, without worrying too much about whether or not the explanation makes sense. Sometimes I think that no explanation at all of how or why some of these things work would be better than an implausible one.

The Ground Control is also available terminated with an RCA plug, to connect to an unused input on preamps. AudioPrism says the functionality of this version will greatly depend on the preamp’s own grounding scheme.

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-12 16:36

本帖最後由 sunboy 於 2011-5-12 16:37 編輯

師兄們 ,是否+-各插一條呀?
andprise 發表於 2011-5-12 15:39

    I understand that only connect the "ground control" to the negative pole of each speaker {:6_142:}

andprise 發表於 2011-5-12 16:44

I understand that only connect the "ground control" to the negative pole of each speaker
Many thanks for your brief explanation.

marvintai 發表於 2011-6-12 18:52

i think this ground control is only for "Passive Speaker".How about "Active Speaker (XLR)?

angllewave 發表於 2011-7-4 02:58

去鴨記買漆皮線, 自己整了一對來玩下, 插係喇叭後面, 效果又真係得喎! {:6_193:}
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