Pioneer LX-83 有D咩特色??
為何師兄們會說同馬仔SR7005 比係大學生同小學生比? 83,分析力很強,中性冇味道,快聲,音場大而闊
7005同83唔同LV啵 馬仔音樂感好強...但LX 83我又未試過~~~
LX 83 可唔可以好似7005 由部電腦直接LOAD歌? 馬仔音樂感好強...但LX 83我又未試過~~~
LX 83 可唔可以好似7005 由部電腦直接LOAD歌? ...
Kantosee 發表於 2011-4-30 21:12
可以 師兄想問下EALC 配PIONEER 嗎?? 可以
鐵心心 發表於 2011-4-30 21:15
係唔係要駁lan線?說明書有講? {:6_193:}Pioneer..强!强! 本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-5-1 12:27 編輯
Agreed that the LX83 is a grade higher than the SR7005, but what's more important is which one match up better to your speakers.
Also, what one ching likes more might not be what sound best to you. Go demo and TRUST YOUR EARS! 多謝師兄的提點...我依家確定晒D野..一次過試晒~~{:6_193:} 完全唔同口味, 要自己試左先會知道自己鍾意呢隻聲.
我就2部都試過, 最後都係托LX83返屋企{:6_182:}