SR6005 終於入手, 有問題想請教
部SR6005終於到咗, 而家用緊一對舊喇叭作前置, 但都已經發覺D分析力同音樂感比普通嘅組合機冇得比{:6_193:} , 但由於太新手關係, 有好多問題想請教各師兄:1. 點樣Set AV bypass?
2. 係咪冇得用蕉插或叉插至機身?
3. 準備入KEF Q300 / Q700 + Q200c, 如果配Mirage 作 Surround好嗎? 用邊隻model 好?
Thanks Chings!! photo{:6_190:} 1. Just preout the signal to an power amp / integrated amp.
2. peel off the plastic cap with a cutter or screwdriver.
3. os3 / nano prestidge 回復 2# fm31331
Will be uploaded later {:1_343:} 本帖最後由 pinkspider 於 2011-4-30 19:50 編輯
回復 3# rictsang
1. not understand.... is it set under the marantz menu??
2. probem solved, thanks {:6_208:}
3. is mirage good for concert? 應該同KEF都夾到? 因小弟80%睇演唱會多, maybe go to Tom Lee tomorrow. 恭喜ching
真係覺得完全無選擇錯! 回復 5# pinkspider
Is it the case that you want to add a power amp to 6005? If yes, you should connect 6005 with your power amp with a audio cable from the pre-out at the back to the power amp stereo in. 本帖最後由 pinkspider 於 2011-5-1 22:13 編輯
回復 7# rictsang
唔係啊,因為我會駁機頂盒經HDMI入SR6005再入電視,但一熄部SR6005就冇嘢睇,我所知應該可以SET AV BYPASS,部AMP STANDBY 都可以睇到電視,但我唔識Set 囉{:1_332:} ....有冇CHING可教教我? Thanks Oh, I see.... I am using 6004 and I don't know it is possible or not. May be have to check the user manual again. sorry... 應該係喺Hdmi control度set on 之後有得揀