chanwt 發表於 2011-4-28 18:51

so, your centre will be much bigger than the front speaker la!

yujeffhk 發表於 2011-4-28 22:22

121 is only general speaker and not crysndstal one. I'll try 2 ctr speakers if I can obtain approval from my CEO.

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-29 12:01

如果買cc241 我打算唔買十仔住...唔知佢個bass ...
Kantosee 發表於 2011-4-28 13:06

Ching, if you are into movie watching, then you would definitely want to add sub for more impact. However, if money is a concern, you would still get great sound in a 5.0 for now.

Center and sub are the 2 most important channels in a surround setup so getting a good center makes a lot of sense. Just add a quality sub down the line for an upgrade when you save enough money.

Kantosee 發表於 2011-4-30 12:58

Ching, if you are into movie watching, then you would definitely want to add sub for more impact....
76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-29 12:01

thx Ching, 我都仲有好多野要計, (突然老闆想有d地方裝修{:6_200:})
同埋想問下pioneer lx85呢部機有咩特色?之前想買馬仔sr7005 但是聽到有人說大學生vs小學生....
Elac 用咩amp比較夾?

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-5-1 12:21

thx Ching, 我都仲有好多野要計, (突然老闆想有d地方裝修)
同埋想問下pioneer lx85呢部機有咩 ...
Kantosee 發表於 2011-4-30 12:58

Even though Pioneer LX83 is at least one grade higher than Marantz SR7005, I'm not sure which goes better w/ Elac. You should definitely get a demo to see what you like best.
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