lawfai 發表於 2011-4-24 15:47

B&W 804D+HTM4D

Hi all C-hing. I bought b&w 804d and want to add int amp for 2 ch bypass.

Which one is better?

1. Accuphase E460

2. Luxman 509U

Besides, Pioneer LX-82 push the htm 4d and DS3. Is it ok?

duo 發表於 2011-4-24 17:41


chiuching 發表於 2011-4-24 18:49

如果係要呢兩部之中揀一部的話, Luxman 509U!

lawfai 發表於 2011-4-24 19:43

Accuphase E-460 have 180w but Luxman 509u only have 120w at 8Ω. Is it E-460 more powerful? I like listen to musical and pop

Besides, will the sound unmatch if I bypass stereo amp to Pioneer LX-82?

avlam 發表於 2011-4-24 20:19



chiuching 發表於 2011-4-25 01:02

Accuphase E-460 have 180w but Luxman 509u only have 120w at 8Ω. Is it E-460 more powerful? I like l ...
lawfai 發表於 2011-4-24 19:43

就咁睇W數, 係, 金仔高啲.
Luxman 509U係合併黎講算係推804D較好聽, 當然, 身價再高既合併, 如Jeff Rowland個啲會更好~

lawfai 發表於 2011-4-25 15:41

My budget around HKD$40K. I wondered to add a 5 ch power amp like rotel rmb-1575 or accuphase amp e-460 for my home threater. Personally I prefer to add int. amp for the front and Pioneer LX-82 handle the centre and surround speaker. However, I worried av amp cannot drive the B&W HTM4D well....

avlam 發表於 2011-4-25 15:45


chiuching 發表於 2011-4-25 19:02

My budget around HKD$40K. I wondered to add a 5 ch power amp like rotel rmb-1575 or accuphase amp e- ...
lawfai 發表於 2011-4-25 15:41

804D都要6皮幾掛? 用4皮既amp去推? 二手應該可以見得下人~
509U二手4皮唔知得唔得. {:6_141:}

lawfai 發表於 2011-4-25 22:10

The price of E-460 is around 40K but 509u is more than 50K? Is it 509u worth extra 10K?
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