本帖最後由 imgucci2000 於 2011-4-23 12:56 編輯Yamaha 2067 + Monitor Audio組合 弓起弓起{:6_128:} {:1_351:}
Great choice on the MA RX, very nice speakers and they match very well with your Yamaha amp. Ching, where did you buy the MA SILVER RX1 + CENTRE & how much ? Yeun Long... below $())) , 送 SFH 10th Ultimate cable. 恭喜哂, 等睇你SET UP後既全相 {:6_190:} 得兩張!
仲有冇多o的呀? 回復 1# imgucci2000
師兄部2067都幾大塵下喎!!! 弓起公起{:6_195:} 是否元朗個間 AV Shop 買!老闆好人事。