loverching 發表於 2011-4-20 11:33

請問3D BLU RAY 機有咩好推介?

我黎緊想問部SONY 3D 既電視, 想配部3D BLU RAY 機, 咁係咪配番SONY 牌好D 架?

本人係新手, 請指教!

另外, 高清錄影機又有無話邊個牌子好D?


76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-21 00:46

A good reasonably priced 3D player is the Sony S470.

avlam 發表於 2011-4-21 00:49

我黎緊想問部SONY 3D 既電視, 想配部3D BLU RAY 機, 咁係咪配番SONY 牌好D 架?

本人係新手, 請指教!

另外 ...
loverching 發表於 2011-4-20 11:33


loverching 發表於 2011-4-21 11:54


1) 3d blu ray 機
2) 高清錄影機

應該分開2部買, 咁3d blu ray 會係sony 牌..高清錄影機仲未睇岩

定係買一部LG 定pan記果部有晒咁多功能好呢? thx

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-21 13:32

本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-4-21 13:36 編輯

Missed that part of your question.

First of all, the Panasonic BD Recorder is not 3D capable, so you can forget about that. The LG I have no experience with and there is hardly any online review at all, but it is priced very attractively at around 4K, and you have less clutter with an all-in-one.

I am personally a big fan of Magic TV with its great picture quality, superior features and very friendly user interface. It is not cheap though at 1.8K for one w/ dual tuners. Let's put it this way: Magic TV 3200D (1800) + 1T HD (500) + Sony 470 (2500) = 4800

So the difference is only about $800. This would definitely be my choice if you don't mind having one more box and not being able to record to Blu-ray discs.
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