USB convertor
請問ching其實用USB convertor轉coxial 到dac,係咪會好過用usb到dac? 請問ching其實用USB convertor轉coxial 到dac,係咪會好過用usb到dac?wk88 發表於 2011-4-18 14:30
多隻香爐多隻鬼 視乎你用咩dac,有d dac個usb部分真係唔及coaxial 回復 1# wk88
Most of the USB connectors at the DAC are very poor. This applies for MD10, V-Dac & DacMagic. Hence, using an USB converter is a much better choice. 唔該晒.................. 我睇中個叫 Teralink-X2 ,佢好定02 usd 好?有冇ching 用過,唔該先 I'm using HA INFO Coaxial covertor(16/44) to experience the goodies from "CAS"; want to say that it's worth to begin with...............or start off with any 24/96 convertor to tell your feelings.
USB convertor
回復 1# wk88Most of the USB connectors at the DAC are very poor. This applies for MD10, V-Dac & DacMagic. Hence, using an USB converter is a much better choice.
If I use MF Dac M1 , is that ok?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 多隻香爐多隻鬼
qwe456 發表於 2011-4-18 15:07
x2, 對於hifi野黎講, 永遠是對的. If I use MF Dac M1 , is that ok?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
darko 發表於 2011-4-18 21:14
I have tested all three DACs under HK$4000 from the bigger manufacturers: Cambridge Audio DACMagic, Musical Fidelity M1DAC, and Arcam rDAC.To be honest, they all suck in different ways.I was expecting a lot more, at least from the M1DAC, but it's disappointing.Having said that, it's already better than DACMagic and rDAC -- these two are so far off that I didn't even bother to consider buying them.(I have tested other cheap DACs as well and you literally have to pay me to take one home.)I did end up buying an M1DAC just because I thought I needed a USB DAC, but it's just the one that sucks less...Everything coming out of it sounds thin and flat, no matter you use USB, optical, or coaxial, connect it to a computer or a CD transport...The problem with these new cheap DACs isn't really about the USB interface, but that they just aren't very well designed/ made...Even funnier when people get all obsessed with this 24/192 thing...It's almost silly...I feel that I'm happier playing 192kbps MP3 files through my computer's onboard optical output to my 20-year-old 1-bit DAC and playing FLAC files via anything to these cheap DACs...
Think I digressed too much...Anyways, if you must buy a new USB DAC under HK$4000, go for the M1DAC...Otherwise, don't buy anything in that price range.