edhuen 發表於 2011-4-20 20:56

我現在是用IPAD經camera kit用USB去DAC, 正在想買部mini mac做CAS, 不知各位師兄認為如何?

qwe456 發表於 2011-4-21 01:35

我現在是用IPAD經camera kit用USB去DAC, 正在想買部mini mac做CAS, 不知各位師兄認為如何? ...
edhuen 發表於 2011-4-20 20:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Why don't you just build a dedicated PC for this?Unless you have a strong desire to buy over-priced hardware from Apple...

ckikin 發表於 2011-4-21 10:45

不過用mac mini都有好處,部ipad可以作為remote。

edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:33

回復 12# qwe456

    I just think Mac Mini is easier to get the good result based on the design and fitting of hardware. Of course, we may get a even better outcome for a PC and pay less. But it may consume time and toning, and it's not guaranteed.

Raphael 發表於 2011-4-21 11:41

用 notebook 或 pc, 大家唔擔心雜訊問題?

qwe456 發表於 2011-4-21 11:43


    I just think Mac Mini is easier to get the good result based on the design and f ...
edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Took me 10 min to put the box together after I bought all the hardware.And another hour or so get set up all the software.

edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:44

回復 16# qwe456

    c-hing, how about time to choose hardware and case?

qwe456 發表於 2011-4-21 11:48


    c-hing, how about time to choose hardware and case?
edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Ok, since you want to be cute about this...Took me 15 min to drive to SSP, 5 min to park the car, 5 min to walk from the garage to the geek mall, 20 min to pick all the hardware, 5 min to walk back to the garage, and another 15 min to drive home.So another 65 min there!{:1_253:}

edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:59

回復 18# qwe456

    Haha, c-hing, Since I am not familiar on PC fabrication, I may choose to buy a Mac Mini. I really have no idea what's the config I should use to have a good result on PC. Do you have suggestions on this? I am appreciated if you have some suggestions

qwe456 發表於 2011-4-21 14:51


    Haha, c-hing, Since I am not familiar on PC fabrication, I may choose to buy a M ...
edhuen 發表於 2011-4-21 11:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Ok, here are my two cents:
1. Don't buy unnecessary components, boards of all sorts, etc.
2. Don't get processors/ components that generate too much heat -- otherwise you might need big heat sinks, etc.
3. Don't need the machine to be terribly powerful, it's not like you need a lot of processing power.
4. Don't want to have internal power supply if possible.

1. Get an Atom motherboard.Pick one that uses an external power supply.There aren't too many choices, but I managed to find one with onboard wireless as well.You can go without a fan at all with that, but I did install a super quiet 7cm fan to keep the temperature at around 40C (totally optional).Also, get an aluminum case to help with heat dissipation.
2. Get a small SSD and store your music files elsewhere (on another machine in another room in my case).I got a cheap 32GB SSD.Again, I don't need it to be terribly fast, so I just picked a cheap one, as long as it works.Since I already have >4TB of storage across the machines in my house, I don't need need a big hard drive that generates heat + noise in the box attached to my stereo.Oh, and do yourself a favor, don't install a CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive!
3. Install as much RAM as possible to remove any bottleneck from the lack of RAM (4GB for 32-bit).I installed two bars of 2GB DDR2.
4. Make sure you have a fast network within your home (your home network, not your up-link to your ISP) since you will be streaming big audio files (FLAC).I have a gigabit network with Cat6 cables running into every room, including the locations where the computers are.But for various reasons, I chose to use wireless for this particular box.
4. Don't attach a monitor to the box.You don't need more circuits around your stereo, but more importantly, you will be sitting too far away from the monitor to read the text on-screen!What I ended up doing was accessing the machine using remote desktop over wireless from a laptop when I need to start foobar2000 to play some music.There's also a HTTP control plug-in for foobar2000, but I haven't tried it.
5. Use Windows 7 (32-bit) or your favorite Linux distro if you prefer, don't go for Vista/XP.I went with Windows on this box.Since there isn't an optical disc drive in the box, install your OS using a USB thumb drive.

There were compromises I made along the way, e.g. putting the box on the network instead of having a big SSD, using wireless instead of plugging in a Cat 6 cable, etc.But for practical reasons, I consider most of these reasonable trade-offs.All-in hardware cost was ~HK$2000, if I remember correctly.And this was last month.

And yes, I spent more time typing this up than putting the box together!Hope this helps and have fun!
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