about 某本地銀號信用卡 換購 Pioneer BDP 430
話說.... 申請某本地銀號信用卡, 可以51折換購 Pioneer BDP430, 咪打電話去申請囉.{:6_183:}點知個CS話, 因日本地震, 而部Player又有零件喺日本製造但停產, 所以Player出唔到貨, 而個優惠亦冇咗!! {:6_223:}
有冇師兄曾成功換購 ?? 用緊,不過咁講話,touch 壞左點算...{:1_260:} thanks for notice but I called yesterday too, CS didn't mention what ching say....
or ching better call again to confirm the information! I've successfully applied the card early April, but the player is now out of stock. They said it'll be available around early May. 換左部送比屋企人用緊! I've successfully applied the card early April, but the player is now out of stock. They said it'll...
A_C 發表於 2011-4-14 16:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁慘,我剛剛申請左 對唔用人講唔同說話, 果然係銀號本色!! 寄左信來
星期二去換 寄左信來
cct1978 發表於 2011-4-14 17:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
借問聲 你幾時申請信用卡0架?? 好似三星期前.....
我儲緊av產品, 買tv, ps3, BDP等取
買晒先將間屋裝修, 一個地震咩都搞亂晒