tinlunlau 發表於 2011-4-15 07:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
通常字幕,包裝係跟製作。例如 Package design copyright XXXX. So is there anyone who bought this bluray release able to take a screenshot with the English subtitles on?Just want to confirm my query here.
I know Joy Sales and K&M are somewhat affiliated as I have worked in the Joy Sales office for a few weeks and have seen some video mastering work being done for K&M in the office.Though I am not sure how affiliated they are. 柏安妮果時真係幾靚{:1_343:} 本帖最後由 teddy 於 2011-4-19 23:55 編輯
回復 18# agic 回復agic
teddy 發表於 2011-4-19 23:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
{:1_331:} {:5_73:} {:5_87:} {:6_223:} 本帖最後由 victor_wong 於 2011-4-20 06:39 編輯
太驚嚇啦, 好似 " 倩女幽魂 " 魯魯 咁呀!~~ {:1_260:} 咩都幻滅晒 回復agic
teddy 發表於 2011-4-19 23:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
整咗容...嚇死...{:6_192:} {:6_186:} {:6_200:}
哥哥Fans必買的<為你鍾情>Blu-ray Disc (實物圖)
俾Ching講到好有賣點xDPooh 兄 $!@%
尤期噴水池一幕{:1_344:} 回復 24# teddy