水松木 OR 黑麻石?
各位CHING,睇返D舊POST見唔少CHING提過用水松木及黑麻石來毯住個SPEAKER。其實兩者有什麼分別呢? 我的情況是前置和中置均放在電櫃面,但個櫃面是有一塊玻璃的。請問我應該用那一種物料會好聲一點? wooden is more soft and stone has more hard noice. depends on your system to determinate which one need to be use or not. 回復 2# matt
兩種物料若要使用,厚度一般要求多厚呢?? thicker will be more.
more thick stone, more hard
more thick水松木, more soft.
but also depends on density of material!
it is just normally said so. all depends on real testing.
for me, stone is much better than水松木 cause it provides more firm/stable base. 我建議每種物料墊底都試下
二來人人口味都唔同 一般而言,喇叭如果用麻石墊底低頻會比較緊同實,線條會比較好,但聲底會偏硬。 可以先買水松墊試{:6_238:}O唔OK!因為水松墊十幾蚊都有!{:6_176:} 回復 6# wallwong
因我個電視櫃面己經有一塊玻璃,如再加黑麻石會不會另出來D聲硬上加硬呢? 回復 7# fm31331
其實我都有咁樣的打算,就算唔啱用,一來平,二來留返來毯煲...哈哈!! 但我想問若用水松木的話,厚度有冇一個標準架??