請問10M以上HDMI線有咩牌子好 咩 budget 先 ???? under $2000 要咁長既話穩陣啲可以考慮Blue Jeans cablewww.bluejeanscable.com Ver 1.3 or 1.4? 佢地話fully compatible with 1.4。3D 、audio return冇問題
http://www.bluejeanscable.com/articles/hdmi-1-4-cable.htm?hdmidept {:1_351:}
BJC is very good value for the money. thanks 各位ching回覆
已訂bjc hdmi s1 30m @ $11xusd thanks 各位ching回覆
已訂bjc hdmi s1 30m @ $11xusd
-stone- 發表於 2011-4-12 23:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
30m is almost 100ft long. You must have a big place! {:5_71:}
Just to remind you that at 30m for a HDMI cable, you may start to see some signal degradation. haha{:6_126:}
is 30 feet long....