yuppi 發表於 2011-4-14 01:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
斷估吾會一佰幾十 你話ntd 05年停產,重孖碟潻
agic 發表於 2011-4-14 15:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
可能好似阿Villi兄咁,唔覺易咁起床下底揾倒一盒未開封既NTD舊貨呢..........{:6_175:} 可能好似阿Villi兄咁,唔覺易咁起床下底揾倒一盒未開封既NTD舊貨呢.......... ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-4-14 15:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
識得特别vip通道,豆掌門,你今次重吾現身{:6_235:} 識得特别vip通道,豆掌門,你今次重吾現身
agic 發表於 2011-4-14 15:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
大師兄你又錯啦,呢則小道消息係起隔離33頻道果邊睇倒架,我都係咁先識路去WW買得番兩隻NTD如夢架咋........{:6_147:} 大師兄你又錯啦,呢則小道消息係起隔離33頻道果邊睇倒架,我都係咁先識路去WW買得番兩隻NTD如夢架咋.. ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-4-14 16:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
請教下em1 24k值幾錢? 回復 45# agic
請教就真係唔敢當,而且未必幫倒你, 你講果隻24K em1係唔係指Danny Summer果隻,如果係就比較少見,我見過賣佰一蚊倒啦{:6_141:} ......唔記得咁清楚啦,有機會幫你留意吓啦{:6_142:} 回復agic
請教就真係唔敢當,而且未必幫倒你, 你講果隻24K em1係唔係指Danny Summer果隻,如果係就 ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-4-14 16:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
点解yuppi兄話em2 sacd成$500{:6_134:} 本帖最後由 sunboy 於 2011-4-14 17:08 編輯
揾倒少少網上資料話炒過上伍佰大洋喎 : (copy & paste)
港產sacd跟本在hifi圈子內不值一提,直到夏韶聲 諳2才開始受注及抄賣。不過,橋唔怕舊,最緊要有人受。好多人當年用3至5佰買左夏韶聲 諳2,而家一街唱片鋪都有貨。
BMG劉美君同名SACD,Wea林子祥1+1 SACD,Universal黃凱芹EVERGREEN SACD,港產sacd those are 港產sacd which were highly recommend by Hi-Fi fans, even BMG玉置浩二 - 酒紅色的心 (SACD) are also 港產 SACD, which is produced by 代理商發記,FUN HOUSE JAPAN & HONG KONG BMG唱片公司,is this SACD are poor too!!!!????? This SACD sound performance is even better than Fun House BMG Sony made japan version, that’s why this SACD is fried to sky high price today! So if you don’t like pop music sound quality, just don’t listen to any pop music again!!!
唱片鋪有貨的是夏韶聲 諳2 EMI records RE-ISSUE version HYBRID SACD (Made in Hong Kong by Sony ) ,並不是wea華納唱片公司 ISSUE 1st pressing 1+1 SACD+DSD CD version, in which single layer SACD is made in USA by SONY. The sound performance of this single layer USA SACD is the best ultimate sound of夏韶聲 諳2, but XRCD24 version will be the second best. But Hong Kong SONY Hybrid version is just normal, which is not very good indeed.
請問有冇 ching 聽過呢隻雙 CD....
可能因為該碟已停正發行,因傳聞好聲而又成為炒貨,呢隻大師兄冇咩?{:6_141:}揾倒少少網上資料話炒過上伍佰大洋喎 : (copy & paste)
港產sacd跟本在hifi圈子內不值一提,直到夏韶聲 諳2才開始受注及抄賣。不過,橋唔怕舊,最緊要有人受。好多人當年用3至5佰買左夏韶聲 諳2,而家一街唱片鋪都有貨。
BMG劉美君同名SACD,Wea林子祥1+1 SACD,Universal黃凱芹EVERGREEN SACD,港產sacd those are 港產sacd which were highly recommend by Hi-Fi fans, even BMG玉置浩二 - 酒紅色的心 (SACD) are also 港產 SACD, which is produced by 代理商發記,FUN HOUSE JAPAN & HONG KONG BMG唱片公司,is this SACD are poor too!!!!????? This SACD sound performance is even better than Fun House BMG Sony made japan version, that’s why this SACD is fried to sky high price today! So if you don’t like pop music sound quality, just don’t listen to any pop music again!!!
唱片鋪有貨的是夏韶聲 諳2 EMI records RE-ISSUE version HYBRID SACD (Made in Hong Kong by Sony ) ,並不是wea華納唱片公司 ISSUE 1st pressing 1+1 SACD+DSD CD version, in which single layer SACD is made in USA by SONY. The sound performance of this single layer USA SACD is the best ultimate sound of夏韶聲 諳2, but XRCD24 version will be the second best. But Hong Kong SONY Hybrid version is just normal, which is not very good indeed.
可能當時 d SACD PLAYER 比較差,其實隻 SACD 單碟正過隻 XRCD
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
請問有冇 ching 聽過呢隻雙 CD....
今日在尖沙咀見到貝貝2 NTD 賣百幾,仲有隻咩咪一同咪三金CD- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用