本帖最後由 lumdicks 於 2011-4-10 22:22 編輯剛完成兩星期意大利之旅, 看到Benjamin兄的精彩分享, 也來獻醜一下{:6_122:}
2. 梵蒂崗
3. 錫耶納 / 比薩
4. 佛羅倫斯
5. 威尼斯
6. 米蘭
多謝點閱{:6_162:} Ching, 靚相!! 好喜歡威尼斯和錫耶納的那些相 {:6_193:}{:6_193:} this is a nice place.. 歐洲風景真係好正...... 好靚, 師兄冇去南部? Very nice landscape pictures! {:6_193:} 回復 5# 朗
No although I want to visit Napoli and other Southern cities but have insufficient time, may be next time. 回復朗
No although I want to visit Napoli and other Southern cities but have insufficient time,...
lumdicks 發表於 2011-4-10 23:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁, 留返下次啦! 好靚d相! Nice photo{:6_193:}