新手一 問 ...amp
買左onkyo 608仲未駁好,想問..如果張所有HDMI 駁去608 out 出tv.咁係唔係一定要開amp先睇到tv另外..宜家monitor audio BR2 幾錢??? 唔需要開amp都睇到tv{:6_182:} 我嗰部唔得呀!!!{:6_199:} 咁如果轉channel 就要開機?? Your amp needs to have HDMI passthrough and you need to turn your amp to the output (CD, BD, TV, GAME) you want before you put your amp into standby mode.
I think with your 608, this should work. Is it yamaha 1067 has this function? "唔需要開amp都睇到tv" ching tv 出唔出到聲 有bypass function 咪唔洗開amp lo 請問怎樣set ???
現在一定要開amp,同埋TV 無聲出
help !!!!!!!!!!! 請問有冇ching可以幫手呀?