原版Avatar唔係話共版咩? 記得好似好多版本都有香港中字, 就算買原裝一手日版既師兄都好似係有個日文紙套同多隻SF既DVD, 隻BD好似係一樣....... {:6_141:}不過如果未買又想買既, 又介意"可能"唔係一手的話, 98真低, 買DVD都未得! {:6_174:} 行左阿叔咁耐又好似未見過老翻喎..., 不過唔知係咪我唔識睇就真.....
sclendan 發表於 2011-4-11 15:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
隔離果間就有開心版喇 唔知點解返黎睇唔到話要UPDATE FIRMWARE... 但係部OPPO 83已經用緊最UPDATE既FIRMWARE.... $98當DVD或二手都低.最緊要係正版唔係老X就算OK 租賃版...正版{:1_351:} 本帖最後由 allinone8899 於 2011-5-22 18:07 編輯
今天睇咗,完全沒有問題。 I bought one too but why no Japanese subtitles nor soundtrack????????
It must be pirate copy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought one too but why no Japanese subtitles nor soundtrack????????
It must be pirate copy !!!!!! ...
ac388 發表於 22/5/2011 21:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
It must change the BD player top menu to japanese language firstly. 本帖最後由 ac388 於 2011-5-23 10:50 編輯
U meant subtitle or soundtrack ?
I did search the subtitle n soundtrack from the setup menu but cannot find the word 'Japanese' among those available.
If u are using Oppo 93 too, pls advise exactly where to make that change. Thanks.
I bought one too but why no Japanese subtitles nor soundtrack????????It must be pirate copy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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