dragonyam 發表於 2011-4-13 11:44

Good Choice...{:6_193:}{:6_195:}

zonezone2 發表於 2011-4-13 12:56

C hing係唔係開得細聲呢? 其實我的sofa 好近個 sub 仔 {:1_332:}

ttkai322 發表於 2011-4-13 14:31

我amp 開到40,sub 仔未夠 1 半,離king seat約 15尺,都震震下窩...
不如講detail d。

BTW, sofa 震,唔知係好事定壤事窩...:P

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-14 03:04

Whether you would feel lots of bass at your king seat to make your sofa 震 depends a lot on how the bass interact between the room and the placement of your subwoofer and king seat in that particular room.

If you are sitting in a room null, then you won't hear/feel much bass no matter how much you turn up the sub's volume. In this case, you need to try another placement for the sub.

k117tse 發表於 2011-4-21 15:52

CHING, Congrat~!

zonezone2 發表於 2011-4-21 19:11

當個BASS 好強時. 真係覺得成間屋都震 . 最怕震地上下左右單位. =.=
所以當去到咁勁BASS 時, 又開心, 又怕比人投訴

mrsvvti 發表於 2011-4-22 01:07

Good choice!!!!!!!

R.C. 發表於 2011-4-22 01:41

回復 1# zonezone2


m.lo2 發表於 2011-4-22 01:53


zonezone2 發表於 2011-4-22 02:08

THX .SUB仔對於成套5.1 來講. 非常重要{:1_333:}
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