终於收到Acrolink 7N-4030II PC-R
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 I'm using 7N-4020III compare my old 6N-4030
Much different. I'm using the M1/F1 plug as well. I'm using 7N-4020III compare my old 6N-4030
Much different. I'm using the M1/F1 plug as well.
timesquare 發表於 2011-4-19 11:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄!只係個頭尾插已夠殺啦!不過力水方面,6n 403O始終好過7n 4o20 I'm using 7N-4020III compare my old 6N-4030
Much different. I'm using the M1/F1 plug as well.
timesquare 發表於 2011-4-19 11:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
兩條嘅線根本就唔同用途! 兩條嘅線根本就唔同用途!
avlam 發表於 2011-4-19 13:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
同意師兄講法 同意師兄講法
米赫洛域 發表於 2011-4-19 13:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif