wporkchop 發表於 2011-4-7 22:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
請問係响邊個位置見到show反相? 我搵唔到有呢項資料喎 {:6_141:} Auto setup would let you know if there is phase issue, ie an error message would pop up during setup.
Some speakers are designed a certain way that an AV amp would detect them as out of phase. Just double check that everything is connected as it should and continue with setup. 回復 11# leo25
c hing, 當用auto mcacc 進行初會先check喇叭,雜音等等,後會逞現喇叭是否有或反相.謝謝ching. 回復leo25
c hing, 當用auto mcacc 進行初會先check喇叭,雜音等等,後會逞現喇叭是否有或反相.謝謝 ...
wporkchop 發表於 2011-4-8 08:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
明白, 可能我冇反相所以唔覺 tks