Arcam rDAC or DACMagic
請教各師兄,諗住駁部舊Mac Book玩CAS,Arcam rDAC or DACMagic? Amp用DenonArcam rDAC好似用USB去唔到192kHz,係唔係? 分別差幾多? 有咩concern?
Thank you.
Arcam rDAC or DACMagic
請教各師兄,諗住駁部舊Mac Book玩CAS,Arcam rDAC or DACMagic? Amp用DenonArcam rDAC好似用USB去唔到192kHz,係唔係? 分別差幾多? 有咩concern?
Thank you.
DACmagic USB mode 都去唔到192k
- 發送自我的 iPhone 本帖最後由 Nan7yo 於 2011-4-7 16:59 編輯
回復 1# hkbeachboys
My friend upgraded from DACMagic to MF M1 DAC and then changed to Arcam rDAC, and after listened to his set I also bought rDac.
Depeneds on your source and taste preference, M1 and rDac are both great C/P ratio DAC. If you dont have many 24/192 and want to try CAS before investing too much on DAC, these 2 models are good start.
MF M1: Musical, warm, strong bass
rDAC: Balanced, clear, controlled bass
If your source is from macbook and run directly from USB (not using USB-> S/PDIFconverter like hiface) rDac will be better, as it's using licensed dCS asynchronous USB technology (go to search how expensive are those dCS gears)There are not many Async USB DAC under $10,000 in the market, rDac is one of them.
For M1 DAC, if you are willing to invest V-Link (around $1000) as USB converter, heard it will be jump to the next level. Or if your source is from a CD transport, M1 will be a better choice.
Here are 2 reviews of rDAC for your reference:
Of course any kind of review could be advertisement... go and test by your ears~
My 2ch set is already very musical and warm, so finally I selected a different taste DAC to balance the system. (and rDAC is cheaper)
Just my 2 cents, hope this information is helpful to you. 回復 3# Nan7yo
Thanks ching!! Very informative.
Where can I try Arcam rDAC? How much?
Thank you. 如果我只用一部普通Blu-ray player聽歌, M1出來的效果會好嗎?
Arcam rDAC or DACMagic
回復 3# Nan7yoThanks ching!! Very informative.
Where can I try Arcam rDAC? How much?
Thank you.
You can find it in KEF showroom around $3200.
But remember to bring your own notebook (they only got some crappy mp3, not even in any lossless format...)and ask the staff to change to test with a CDP+amp set. (sometimes they connect to a cheap all in one player)
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
Arcam rDAC or DACMagic
如果我只用一部普通Blu-ray player聽歌, M1出來的效果會好嗎?咁加M1就一定好啲,好幾多就難講。
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 6# Nan7yo
is that I can only find rDAC in KEF showroom for "Hong" goods?
Thanks. 回復Nan7yo
is that I can only find rDAC in KEF showroom for "Hong" goods?
hkbeachboys 發表於 2011-4-8 09:27
係, 行貨的, 應該有少少折~ Arcam rDAC我朋友早兩星期係旺x音響買$@*)).
回復 4# hkbeachboys