請問Mirage OS3係咪無乜低音?買Monitor Audio RX-FX定OS3好??
本帖最後由 wifier 於 2011-4-4 18:59 編輯我張梳化係靠牆,本來想一套西裝買番MA嘅RX-FX(問左賣4.7K)做5.1嘅surrond spk,但唔想掛牆....,宜家考慮緊隻Mirage OS3(約3.6K)掛座地stand, 呢隻野有無低音ga? 靠牆擺買邊隻效果好d呢?唔該晒各位http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/smilies/default/smile.gif 係, 它的低音的確是差d, 主要替十仔補償; 不過它的包圍感是一流{:1_326:}
Ching 可以去TomLee 毒氣房試下 I'd always go for 一套西裝 when it comes to speakers whenever I can, especially with only 1K difference in price.
However, if you like a very diffuse sound field, then Mirage will give you that.
回复: 請問Mirage OS3係咪無乜低音?買Monitor Audio RX-FX定OS3好??
Go for RXFXvia MY Desire Go for RXFX
via MY Desire
minimoai 發表於 2011-4-4 18:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
rxfx掛係梳化後面塊牆擴散會唔會無OS3咁好? rxfx掛係梳化後面塊牆擴散會唔會無OS3咁好?
wifier 發表於 2011-4-4 18:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
貼到後面塊牆 。。。。都唔一定 。。。OS3都係話有360 degree擴散。。。但貼牆又未必去到咁 。。。
請問Mirage OS3係咪無乜低音?買Monitor Audio RX-FX定OS3好??
I think base is not the key for surround speakers. I would go for the one with good surround effect and clarity. OS3 would be my choice as this price it does a very gd job with the gd subwoofer. And it looks very nice.- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用