鄭少秋 汪明荃 Viva Girls 新紀元 2011 演唱會 - 中塲表演
d8j_vwzqaHE Did you go to the concert?How were 鄭少秋 汪明荃?I saw 汪明荃 here in San Francisco last year and she was surprisingly good. Did you go to the concert?How were 鄭少秋 汪明荃?
I saw 汪明荃 here in San Francisco last year an ...
Soundboy 發表於 2011-4-5 02:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes, I went to the concert.They were not bad, you can see other clips from my uploaded.Feel free to comment!!thx