我覺得唔駛在意是否同日本本土版唔同, 只要自己收貨就得. 因為都冇可能特登走去買部日版 回復 1# billy997
Having beed confused by this issue myself, let me share my point of view.
It is certainly possible that the MIJ LX83 is better in QC (and perhaps in parts) compared to the other versions of LX83, but there really is no way of knowing unless you open one up and see for yourself. Regardless, the engineering, architecture and the basic quality of the machine should be the same worldwide. If there are differences, they should be minimal.
Regarding the pricing of the same machine throughout the world, this is nothing new and happens with other brands as well. It has more to do with marketing, pricing strategy and perceived branding value than anything else. Perhaps Pioneer is more of a high-end brand than Yamaha in Japan. Another example of this is Marantz in the UK. The SR7005 is much more expensive there (£1,400.00) than in HK.
As noted, the American version of the LX83, the Elite SC-37, is much cheaper there than even HK, yet still receive very good reviews from many magazines and users alike and is being compared to the Yamaha's you mentioned. Both Yamaha and Pioneer produce very good AV amps. You like the Yamaha better, good for you. May be the speakers you use or demo with goes better with them, while other people might prefer Pioneer.
What I am trying to say is that, don't read to much into this price discrepancy, and certainly don't read too much into what HiVi says. Listen for yourself and see what you like.
解開左一個迷團 (LX83)
Fair enough. If no such HiVi, if no such jap model different from export model, we may just take it as a 14k amp to consider.Just that before auditing, I look at the price tag and given a going in position to start with. Same thing like trying the Benz e-class and turns out getting a VW passat which costs 50% less. And it is really something for me to think about if the e-class is selling so cheap one day (same token the car selling in mainland, cannot stop ppl thinking around and compare Germany one)
Anyway, no proof if the quality a concern unless getting a jap one for AB test, agree just to buy what we hear, that is. 是我想得太多
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 都係果句:各聲入各耳http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/smilies/default/shy.gif Agreed Agreed. Got the same feeling of all Ching here. In UK 83 is quoted GBP1630 (not MIJ) while that of 3067/ 2067 are GBP1100/850. Still 83 score many Best Buy from many reviews. It seems their 32 bit converter (world's first in AV amp as declared), which can produce clear and accurate sound field, counts and many UK fans only play 5.1 . Yammy's strength seems on their sound effects and the cinema like feeling with 11.1/9.1 as bonus if you got extra amps. I've too been temped to go for 83 but now seems more on yammy especially the price now is more reasonable and I can try 9.1. Still agree both are good choices. 個人comment "日本貨"與"東南亞貨"分別其實唔大, 分別在于可能某些部件有些不同, 就算ching用日本製 "83", 那其他器材唔配合(HDMI 線, 喇叭)又何用 ? 這是一般"AV" fans ge 通病,盲目追
求某件器材ge質素而忽略了其他因素, 若"東南亞"版是如此不濟, 那公司那不就將固有的"品牌"自"毁".這點是值得深思. 講日版同行版的分別, y記係最大, 就似以前y記amp日版先可換電源線, 而且連裡面的ic都有分別。而之前日版z7才可玩9.1, 行版我記得一係玩front effect, 一係就7.1。 我個人覺得:但凡係日本品牌,佢地for本土用一定有別於其他出口版,而且一定係made in Japan。其他出口版主要針對出口地區消費能力同欣賞程度或應代理要求(因為日本人思想比較自大兼自我)。舉例:係人都知日版出前一丁好食過港版啦!但價錢亦貴好多,你比得起又捨得比,咪食好啲囉!唔高要求咪食港版;求其醫肚咪大陸版!Lx83用高規格低價錢定位爭取市場,呢個應該係佢地嘅策略! 講日版同行版的分別, y記係最大, 就似以前y記amp日版先可換電源線, 而且連裡面的ic都有分別。而之前日版z7 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-4-4 14:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
This is so true. Yamaha is guilty of this as well. JPN Z7 >>> Other Z7.
Another example from Yamaha, US Aventage A3000/2000 > V3067/2067.