托香港朋友的关心,今天全部拿到了,谢谢! 怎么都没人关西 啊 回復 2# boone
Hey big spender !{:6_189:} 係囉, Danny 去到380 了 回復 4# vvpau
師兄,深愛着你 or 傾訴?{:6_168:} 深愛着你節拍炒到380 了 回復 6# vvpau
算把啦,果度D碟價同二手CD舖一樣,成日都唔同,經常舞高弄低,係又炒唔係都炒,我衹當佢係就腳嘅 HMV or CD warehouse,多數衹會齋睇唔會買.....除非衹得佢有貨{:6_244:} 380 holy. Good i already had mine. I bougth some Sony K2HD in Sino CD shop on the first day at market price and the shop even allow me to select number from his stock, later on, I found that the similar number CDs such as "0330", "0550", "388" & "833" which I got were asking for 280-300 in 節拍..........{:6_200:} 这几天出了无编号版本