發表於 2011-4-4 10:49
師兄係囉就係唔明點解 ?
可能我買得太遲,佢最好嘅時間我享受唔到喇 .
因小弟重有大量DVD 500-700隻, 所以選擇買83唔買93貪佢DVD可以行24P.點知原來個流暢道……係好一般.
令一個問題我失望,就係個TRUE HD 侄聲問題至現在未能解決.
以上問題我send過email去美國同國內OPPO , 而美國更加好官腔咁答我會跟進.反而國內OPPO有電話打過比我跟進,重張未出街個firmware先比試.依個真係要讚. 不過好可惜新firmware未能解決以上問題,所以令我較為失望.希望正式公報時可以解決 .
發表於 2011-4-4 14:59
9600, OPPO 啲勁機, 9500 實"淋"價架"la"
發表於 2011-4-4 16:38
本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-4-4 16:39 編輯
師兄係囉就係唔明點解 ?
可能我買得太遲,佢最好嘅時間我享受唔到喇 .
又或者我對佢好大期望,所以比較失望. ...
HP2210 發表於 2011-4-4 10:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I know you are not 打手 and I understand how frustrating this can be for you.
Yeah, unfortunately 83 is an end of line product, so there probably won't be many updates from now on. Sorry to hear about the TrueHD issue, though. Hopefully, they can fix it.
However, reading through online forums, you will find problems with Sony/Pioneer players as well. I think this is just the nature of Blu-ray technology. There simply is no perfect player at this point. So BEWARE many BD players can have their issues as well.
Nonetheless, in terms of firmware support, OPPO is still one of the best in terms of addressing known issues.
As for playing DVDs in 24p, unfortunately, this is not a priority to manufacturers as the number of people that pay attention to this is very small. Personally, I am not really that concerned as I believe there are very few natively encoded 24p DVDs anyway. I'd just set source direct and forget about it.
發表於 2011-4-4 18:38
I know you are not 打手 and I understand how frustrating this can be for you.
Yeah, unfortunately ...
76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-4 16:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
同意,我都唔相信兩年後Oppo仲會花精神喺DVD 24p度,所以我已經死心好耐,改為嘥時間搵D可以放喺HDD嘅戲,泥將個DVD庫存洗底,始終就算用低當media player播1080i,點都靚過Oppo播DVD