sunboy 發表於 2011-4-11 00:11

回復 20# chanwt

Just want to share some DIY experience with DIY friends, I had made a lot of interconnect / digital cables myself in the old days in order to save some money for better cables. Hope that my stupid idea will help you a bit ! {:6_182:}

chanwt 發表於 2011-4-11 18:16

回復 21# sunboy

    Not stupid at all! thx!
BTW, is there any difference between RCA and digital cable in term of structure and technics?

sunboy 發表於 2011-4-11 20:37

本帖最後由 sunboy 於 2011-4-11 21:29 編輯

回復 22# chanwt

chanwt Hing, according to my understanding, digital cable must be a precise 75 ohms coaxial cable instead of others. Therefore, a digital cable can be served as a good interconnect cable but a good interconnect cable may not be used as a digital cable because of the cable structure and it's impedance.

The connection method between cable and plug for digital cable is also important. It is because common soldering method for ordinary interconnect cable maybe the same good as by screw tightening method (like you did last time) and or by crimping method. As I know that crimping method is better than soldering method for digital cable because there is nothing between the cable conductor and plug, thus it will not affect the constant impedance value of the cable. Although the difference is very small but such small difference may seriously affect the sonic performance of the digital. Anyway, I don't know if you have any experience of playing/making digital cable before I'm just share some basic knowledge that I know...........more information can be search from Internet and many high-hands here or in other chat forums may also help you if you ask for help. Do have fun when DIYing.......{:6_190:}

chanwt 發表於 2011-4-12 19:25

回復 23# sunboy

    Thx! Sunboy. See u around!
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