tennishk 發表於 2011-3-30 22:32




我用緊ONKYO 808,前置 QUAD 12L,如果想玩CAS,應該要加什麼呢?


alfwu 發表於 2011-3-31 00:46

CAS=computer as source, 你用電腦做訊源已經叫係CAS

fullwell 發表於 2011-3-31 01:19

Ching 咁插隻手指落blu-ray聽咪即係一樣?

TommyLCW 發表於 2011-4-5 13:03

本帖最後由 TommyLCW 於 2011-4-30 11:54 編輯

CAS ( Computer As Source) normally means using some computer softwares to play music files into analog signals. e.gmedia player, real player , but especially, iTunes, FOOBAR2000, APE player , FLAC player.
The latter group, mainly free at present, makes uses of the LOSSLESS formats and equalizers for decoding and processing. Then feeds the analog signals to a2.0 or multi-channels pure analog amplifier.
As the software upgrades, esp. in preset equalizers effects, you get upgraded SQ (sound quality).
Simply speaking - Software converters free of hardware DAC's.
Music are downloaded and lossless , processors are free ( in updates, at least and ...)in contrast with different DACswhich are needed to buy for newer versions/ parts periodically. Finally, you also enjoy the convenience of huge storage of continuous musicsinside a single low cost Hard disk ( say 1 TB) .
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 請問CAS是什麼?麼該要點樣搞呢?

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