Lost 好正...恭喜哂{:6_195:}
bloodyhell169 發表於 2011-3-30 18:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Lost,有冇中字尼,thx~ 回復 3# mingming28
LOST without chinese subtitles. 本帖最後由 bloodyhell169 於 2011-3-30 18:31 編輯
Help help help,
各位C Hing 知吾知邊部Bluray Player is all code.
The Lord of the Rings is Region B.
So Sad.......{:6_187:} {:6_206:}
Cheers. 回復 2# dragonyam
take a time to watch it. The Lost is Japanese Version. 回復dragonyam
take a time to watch it.
bloodyhell169 發表於 2011-3-30 18:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes Right...Enjoy{:6_128:} oh 可惜買0左返0黎先知睇唔到
我都好想買 supernatural season 1-6
但怕返到0黎先發覺唔係 region free..........
oh 可惜買0左返0黎先知睇唔到我都好想買 supernatural season 1-6
但怕返到0黎先發覺唔係 region free..........
係呀,激死,師兄知吾知香港邊樹有free region bluray player 賣呀?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用