Onkyo SR-508 可以用 Yamaha YSP-2200 sound bar嗎?
本帖最後由 hkguy-sp 於 2011-3-29 23:06 編輯Ching,
現有Onkyo SR-508 AV amp 一部, 但新居地方細又不能鑿牆加後置喇叭線,想請問我可不可以用Yamaha YSP-2200 sound bar? 會不會有問題?
Thanks 多聲道方面會唔同咗, 始終sound bar 係 "模擬" 出多聲道效果,質數無要求ok,我都係用soundbar
睇電視, movie 會用另一"set" 野 checked with Tom Lee, YSP-2200 does not have radio and cant connect to another Amp.... so confirmed cant use it now.
thanks for other ching advise...