點知部dac support 乜嘢format?
請教各師兄想買部dac 玩下
點知部dac support 乜嘢format?
定系部電腦,或部player 決定?我有部hdd player 可以光纖或同軸出dac 想試下咁玩
- 發送自我的 iPhone 請教各師兄
想買部dac 玩下
點知部dac support 乜嘢format?
定系部電腦,或部player 決定?我有部hdd pl ...
syeah 發表於 2011-3-26 13:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
是否指乜file -- WAV, FLAC, MP3之類?
又是否指16 bit/44.1, 24bit/96K....
點知部dac support 乜嘢format?
Mp3 或flac 或 ape 果d format- 發送自我的 iPhone 好似唔關dac禾??
media player or computer will plays those files and output the digital signal to DAC for decode.
咁only the media player or computer programme is file format dependent!
例如 iTune can not play FLAC 等等! 好似唔關dac禾??
media player or computer will plays those files and output the digital signal to DA ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-3-26 18:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Many thanks ching for your great advice!!!
So the file compatiability is only on the media player / PC
but not with the DAC, so good~!!!{:6_195:} 回復 5# syeah
you are welcome.
but other than file format, the data stream output by the media player has format too, you will see ther chings alway mention 24bit/44kHz, 24bit/96kHz or even 24bit/192kHz. these are the data stream format which defines how many data bit used for each sec of music and the sampling rate. In short, the higher the value the bigger the file and theoretically (but also depends on the source file quality). Now, these figures will affect your choice of DAC, not all DACs are capable to accept the highest data it and sampling rate.
My 2 cents 回復syeah
you are welcome.
but other than file format, the data stream output by the me ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-3-27 07:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄我係用dacmagic的,說明書寫"Audio output up-sampling:Fixed 24bit 192kHz"咁即係我入乜野都好,佢都會幫我升做24bit 192kHz?? 咁又唔知禾? At least it should accept 192Hz file.
I am not sure if DacMagic got up-sampling function!! Sorry 回復syeah
you are welcome.
but other than file format, the data stream output by the me ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-3-27 07:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Many thanks Ching!!!
I just my Media player, for all files, the digital output format is PCM
for 16/44.1 files, the PCM output is 16/44.1
for 24/96 files, the PCM output is 24/96
I dun have a DAC for now, I use optical SPDIF out to my AV Amp and preout to my int amp for a test
I gives sound on 24/96 files!!!
good, thanks so much ching{:6_195:}