自從換左 BD Player 後, 愛上聽鄧麗君....
一個月內買既碟, 大破財.....{:6_206:}原本諗住買一套日文精選加一套中文精選, 結果買左日文 Single Best + 再見 我的愛人平裝版 {:6_237:} 本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-3-26 02:35 編輯
You too?I got 鄧麗君's [島國之情歌] 1-8 復刻CD within the last month.As I get older, I am enjoying more of 鄧麗君's music.
I have a Sony BDP-S370, but I haven't try it with CDs. 本帖最後由 yuppi 於 2011-3-26 03:24 編輯
本來想買鄧麗君24K金藏集, 不過試聽完 FLAC 之後真係怕怕, 好偶然之下搵到全新"再見 我的愛人"平裝版, 雖然貴左少少, 不過平裝版 (4CDs) 比精裝版 (8CDs) 貴精不貴多, d歌好岩聽, 早幾年環球已將精裝版拆散復刻, 反而平裝版從未復刻.{:6_238:}
以鄧麗君套裝碟黎講, 呢套"再見 我的愛人"應該係最靚聲.
1. 第三行果隻: 勢不兩立『寶麗金﹣金裝系列』 ($75~$88): 聲底同原裝一樣,不厚不sharp,因為以前既錄音器材比較差, 間中聽一d好剌耳既迴音爆音, 好有我細路仔果陣聽 HiFi 既 Feel....
2. 第一行第三隻: "黑膠仔" Greatest Hits Vol.3 ($45~$65): d歌比較精選,remaster 到把聲厚左,,聲底有 85%"勢不兩立" 既取向,不過冇咁 sharp 同 detail,但係背景好靜同埋冇哂d好剌耳既迴音爆音,remaster 不多不少,再多d就會冇哂舊歌既味道,再吾係聽鄧麗君,強烈建議為第一隻聽鄧麗君既CD. You too?I got 鄧麗君's [島國之情歌] 1-8 復刻CD within the last month.As I get older, I am enjoyi ...
Soundboy 發表於 2011-3-26 02:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
soundboy hing is it impossible or too expensive to get the old version 鄧麗君's [島國之情歌] 1-8full set
and how to tell that's the real one , soundboy hing is it impossible or too expensive to get the old version 鄧麗君's [島國之情歌] 1-8 ...
agic 發表於 2011-3-26 08:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
This is just based on what I see on online auctions, such as HK Yahoo Auction....
It's still possible to get the old versions of 鄧麗君's [島國之情歌] 1-8, but they may be price quite high.Especially if you're talking about the original T113 "Made in Korea" CD versions that came out in 1988-89.The 復刻 CD versions are quite good and they're not too expensive (I got mine from yesasia.com because I'm in the US), so I like to recommend those. 我比較喜歡舊版鄧麗君CD
勁 {:6_193:} 回復 6# Challenger
不過頭版 CD 炒到天價, 吾建議炒買....如果想買大家可以放心買四十幾蚊既"黑膠仔",因為某程度上比原版CD 好聲之餘仲保持 8~9成原版既味道,可以話係改良版,至於其他 XRCD 版,....大家不如留番d錢買多兩隻 CD 啦 請問有無師兄知道,鄧麗君之[島國之情歌]一套,夠竟有多少集. 請問有無師兄知道,鄧麗君之[島國之情歌]一套,夠竟有多少集.
UncleAlex 發表於 2011-3-27 08:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif