英遜買Superman Returns blu-ray,三日到貨
呢次係小弟第二次係英遜買碟,第一次買Band of Brothers Steelbox,十日到貨已經覺的好快。點知今次…三月二十一日落單,二十四日收貨,仲要係standard post。上網查紀錄仲話要四月八日先到。{:1_340:}
回復 1# tckk72
超人有冇中字呀!ching.....thx 回復 2# mingcheung
冇,得英、法、德三種字幕。 回復 1# tckk72
Is it DD5.1 or DD TrueHD? 回復tckk72
Is it DD5.1 or DD TrueHD?
AVBAPE 發表於 25/3/2011 08:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching呢隻應該係新版, 舊版DD5.1都應該冇得買. But the CA steelbook ver. still is the old DD5.1.... 回復 3# tckk72
thank ching{:6_191:} 訂一隻咁小? 恭喜哂{:6_193:} Ching, 唔等Boxset??{:1_342:}