大家好,已爬了一下文,但未解決得到,所以再問一下我對喇叭(主動的)有電流聲,較volume不會改變電流聲大小,DAC在喇叭旁,但沒接觸,發現手按在DAC上電流聲會大減,會是電源線問題嗎?謝謝大家幫助。 回復 1# rhys
Please check your speaker and remove the ground ping of your speaker's power. Only ground your DAC such that all ground current through out from your DAC. Then your current noise should be removed. 本帖最後由 rhys 於 2011-3-24 23:20 編輯
Please check your speaker and remove the ground ping of your speaker's power. Only gro ...
vicchow 發表於 2011-3-24 22:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我speaker 個power cord係兩腳,係唔係即係冇地線? 不過我有用一個3腳轉2腳的插頭去拖把,唔知關唔關事?
不好意思,不太熟這, remove ground pin要點做? In that case, another potential issue is that your setup is not grounded at all.
Ground pin is the third pin of the power cord which is missing.
You can check your DAC as well, it need to be connected with ground. Another easy way is connect your DAC with Digital RCA instead of optical fibre. 謝謝,我check一下。
digital RCA 係唔係即係同軸線? 我之前dac的power cord捆起了,解開後由佢自然咁,就冇左電流聲了~ 咁其實active speaker的 PC係唔係唔應該有地線呢?(即應只有兩腳)