Wife say no, Apple say yes
本帖最後由 spadeace 於 2011-3-22 10:56 編輯外國有網站話Apple 喺處理 iPad2 回收時, 發覺其中一部上面貼左張字條
員工見到之後覺得勁搞笑, 蹍轉傳到去Apple VP嗰到...結果兩個VP決定送部新嘅俾退貨嗰個人, 上面貼住張字條
如果有ching知道香港有無邊間Amp/喇叭代理有咁嘅服務, 麻煩通知聲
{:6_244:} {:6_244:} {:6_244:}
focus this week has been to troubleshoot all the iPad 2s that customers are returning to the stores. One iPad came back with a post it note on it that said "Wife said no." It was escalated as something funny, and two of the VPs got wind of it. They sent the guy an iPad 2 with a note on it that said "Apple said yes."
http://www.cultofmac.com/apple-sends-customer-ipad-2-after-wife-made-him-return-it/87424 哈哈~~~ 有時外國人做生意都好鐘意玩D下野小品野!!!{:1_262:} 堅唔堅o架!係就下次試吓囉!{:6_136:} 吓,我唸香港apple機會唔大囉!