maner394 發表於 2011-3-23 10:55


wally 發表於 2011-3-23 10:39

    哦....聽歌我會用 itune 個 remote apps,有埋封面好正........!

yoes 發表於 2011-3-23 11:30

好正, 但係無錢買i-窿........{:6_202:}

wally 發表於 2011-3-23 16:42

回復 21# maner394

ITunes can play to onkyo amp 咩?sorry if this is a stupid question. Never try that before. If yes, how to set up? Many thanks!

wally 發表於 2011-3-23 16:45

好正, 但係無錢買i-窿........
yoes 發表於 2011-3-23 11:30

我都冇。所以買iPod touch law. Much cheaper but still be able to use all the apps

zz9999 發表於 2011-3-23 17:35

其實... 同個 remote 有咩分別..

maner394 發表於 2011-3-23 19:01


ITunes can play to onkyo amp 咩?sorry if this is a stupid question. Never try that ...
wally 發表於 2011-3-23 16:42

    我部電腦駁左onkyo amp {:6_142:}

maner394 發表於 2011-3-23 19:18

本帖最後由 maner394 於 2011-3-23 19:20 編輯

其實... 同個 remote 有咩分別..
zz9999 發表於 2011-3-23 17:35

    官方個隻就麻麻,太過簡流......但 ONKO TRON 就非常方便,INPUT又可以改名,好多FUNTION 可直接按,如 LATELIGHT 、LISTENING MODE.........等,吾順要按多個制先入到...{:6_143:}


wally 發表於 2011-3-24 09:38

回復 26# maner394

Sorry for not making this clear previously. What I was trying to do is to play audio files from my file server, by using the media server (DLNA) function in the Amp. So that you don't need to turn on your PC and don't need to connect your PC directly to your Amp. Just play that off via the network. But the problem is the Amp does not support Chinese, so, when you select the songs off from the Amp (which you can output the song list to the TV), all Chinese characters display as "stars", same case happen to the official IPhone Apps. So, which means you can't really use that network media playing option... unless there's another Iphone Apps can display Chinese.
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