Don't understand ....{:6_209:} how come cheaper when "分2單會平d" ???
Don't understand ....
mho_168 發表於 2011-3-20 23:47
之前已提過, 舉例如果買2條3m既喇叭線, 分2單單獨買1條3m, 運費會平過你1單過買2條3m.
原因唔太清楚, 估計係因為唔超過某個重量時, 郵費就係收嗰個min. charge.但如果重過某個重量時, 郵費就比min. charge 貴多d Oic ... Thanks {:6_210:} futureshop....good{:6_193:} ..送貨好快架....我買過幾次都係星期四落單...下星期二三收到....{:6_240:} 我試過訂條coaxial等左三個禮拜先收到貨... 我試過訂條coaxial等左三個禮拜先收到貨...
dunbine 發表於 2011-3-21 15:09
吓{:6_200:} 唔喺化{:6_202:} It took them 1 full week to delivery my speaker cables to me. yes, I place two orders too, one for the left speaker and one for the right speaker. Strange and waste for packing material but cheaper for buyer! 回復 15# dunbine
你唔好彩jei, 我貫幾次都係一week 內收到. You are such a lucky guy. My speaker cable arrived in 10 days. 回復 18# inagawa